How to Edit In DaVinci Resolve For iPad

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When Blackmagic launched DaVinci Resolve for the iPad almost exactly a year ago, audiences seemed to be split. On one hand we now have a truly professional app for iPad that can take advantage of the iPad Pro’s hardware but there were also many people who found the idea of editing on a iPad silly. A year later, here is why those people are wrong.

Unlike every other app developer who has attempted to bring a desktop grade editing software to the iPad (including Apple’s own FCPX and Adobe’s Premiere) which has resulted in incredibly dumbed down versions of the full editing suite. In Resolve we find a near 1 to 1 scaled software that has all of the bells and whistles. Even more so then meets the eye when you first download it. As discovered earlier this year by a follower, you can actually use keyboard shortcuts to unlock the full resolve program beyond the advertised Cut & Color page. Meaning Blackmagic actually ported over the entire resolve software….in an iPad app. Incredible. Similar to the desktop app you can download and use resolve for the iPad totally free. If you want to use Studio features like the award winning noise reduction or various advanced effects, you can pay a one time upgrade fee. But most people just doing editing, titles, music etc will have zero problems using the free version. This app just has essentially zero competitors in terms of functionality and performance.

To learn how to edit in DaVinci Resolve, join our course today! It has helped hundreds of people learn the ins and outs of this editing software and there is also a section on the iPad version!

Check out the full explanation of how to edit in DaVinci Resolve on iPad from start to finish in the video below.


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